


Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Development Project for Communities within the Piscataqua-Salmon Falls Watershed, NH
Lead Agency: NH GRANIT, UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Sponsor(s): Federal Emergency Management Agency
Start Date - End Date 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2018
Description: In its role as a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP), NH GRANIT is under agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop new and/or updated flood hazard data for upland communities in the Piscataqua-Salmon Falls Watershed of New Hampshire. The footprint for the project includes all or part of the following 26 communities: Rockingham County - Brentwood, Candia, Chester, Danville, Deerfield, Derry, East Kingston, Epping, Fremont, Hampstead, Kensington, Kingston, Northwood, Nottingham, Raymond, Sandown, and South Hampton, and Strafford County - Barrington, Farmington, Lee, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Rochester, Somersworth, and Strafford. The project will include revising hydrologic and hydraulic models for over 33 miles of detailed Zone AE streams, redelineating an additional 79 miles of detailed Zone AE streams using recently-acquired high resolution topographic data, and running generalized models for 410 miles of all current Zone A streams. The effort will result in updated Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) and the associated Flood Insurance Study(ies) (FIS).
Recently, a separate DFIRM project was undertaken for the coastal communities in Rockingham and Strafford Counties within the Piscataqua-Salmon Falls Watershed (Strafford County: Effective September 30, 2015 and Rockingham County: Preliminary April 9, 2014). The goal of this new project is to complete the floodplain mapping for the remainder of the communities within the Watershed.