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New Hampshire GIS Technical User Group
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New Hampshire GIS Technical User Group

The next GIS Technical User Group Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at the Department of Environmental Services, Hazen Drive, Concord. Chris Fontenot and Jon Horton from the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will discuss research they have done on making public-facing geospatial materials more readable/accessible. There will also be updates from the GIS Advisory Committee (formerly the HB377 working group).

The NH GIS Technical User Group (f/k/a the NH GIS Advisory Committee) was established in 1987 as a sub-committee of the Governor's Council on Resources and Economic Development (CORD). The Group was formed to coordinate mapping and GIS-related activities of the members, and to recommend policies, standards, and related measures to CORD for endorsement and implementation. The GIS Technical User Group works closely with the NH GIS Advisory Committee and the HB377 GIS Steering Committee, convened in the fall of 2016 as authorized under RSA 4-F.

For more information about the NH GIS Technical User Group, or to be added to the email list, please contact Ken Gallager.

Minutes/Power Points for Recent Meetings: