NH GRANIT Basic Data Standards

The following contains information regarding required data standards for data distributed by NH GRANIT.

Standard Projection

All GRANIT data are referenced to New Hampshire State Plane Feet, North American Datum 1983 (NAD83). The specification for the ESRI projection (.prj) file includes:

Projection: Stateplane
Zone: 4676 (This is the USGS zone. The FIPSZONE is 2800.)
Datum: NAD83
Units: Survey Feet

The NAD83 New Hampshire State Plane Coordinate System is defined as follows:

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Spheroid: GRS1980
Scale Factor: .9999666667
Central Meridian: -71 40 00
Origin: 42 30 00
False Easting: 300000 m (984,250 ft)
False Northing 0

Download a sample projection file: coverage.prj or shapefile.prj


Metadata, or "data about data", helps to ensure the long-term utility of a data set by capturing the basic characteristics of a data or information resource. A metadata record includes a general description, what time period the data represents, sources used to develop the data, and an overview of the data capture/automation procedures. As an official GIS Clearinghouse Node, NH GRANIT is required to provide FGDC-compliant metadata for all layers distributed through the online metadata database. For more information about GRANIT metadata standards, please click here.