


Broadband Mapping in Northern NH
Lead Agency: NH GRANIT, UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Sponsor(s): Northern Border Regional Commmission
Start Date - End Date 10/01/2016 - 03/30/2018
URL(s): http://iwantbroadbandnh.org
Broadband Mapping in Northern NH
Description: Funded by the Northern Border Regional Commission, this project continues the efforts of the NH Broadband Mapping & Planning Program to enhance economic development in NH by addressing the issues of broadband access, affordability, and utilization. To do so, GRANIT will be 1) mapping and analyzing broadband availability in 4 NH counties (Coos, Grafton, Carroll, and Sullivan) and 2) working with communities, organizations, and other stakeholders to enhance broadband access and adoption in order to support economic development activities in the region.