


Enhancing the NH Coastal Viewer
Lead Agency: NH GRANIT, UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Sponsor(s): New Hampshire Coastal Program
Start Date - End Date 02/10/2016 - 06/30/2017
URL(s): http://nhcoastalviewer.unh.edu
Description: The NH Coastal Viewer is an on-line mapping and screening tool that provides access to geospatial data about coastal resources and hazards for NH's 42 coastal watershed communities. It was developed by the NH GRANIT project staff at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Earth Systems Research Center, working in close collaboration with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program (NHCP), and as part of a larger project team engaged in a NOAA Project of Special Merit.
The current project will enhance the Coastal Viewer by adding new data resources hosted on the Viewer, by developing new geoprocessing tools to extend the functionality of the Viewer, and by delivering training and technical assistance on use of the Viewer.