Discovery - Piscataqua - Phase I
Lead Agency: NH GRANIT, UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Sponsor(s): Federal Emergency Management Agency
Start Date - End Date 08/15/2014 -
Description: The goal of this effort is to work closely with 13 communities in Rockingham, Strafford, and Carroll Counties, to help them identify areas at risk for flooding and possible solutions for reducing that risk. New Zone A (approximate) flood zone boundaries will be generated using hydrologic and hydraulic modeling in conjunction with elevation data derived from LiDAR. The boundaries generated from this process will be compared to the current effective data for the 13 study area communities. After analysis, the findings will be presented and discussed with the individual communities. This data, along with any additional information/input provided by the subject communities, will be used to determine priorities for future floodplain mapping.