


Enhanced Multitemporal Landcover Project
Lead Agency: NH GRANIT, UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: David Justice
Start Date - End Date 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
Description: The "Enhanced Multitemporal Landcover Project" is an effort to enhance the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) from 1992, 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2010/2011 in order to produce a standardized time-series of land cover information suitable for EPSCoR-related modeling within New Hampshire. In order to achieve this goal, GRANIT will conduct the following three tasks: (1) conduct a rigorous accuracy assessment of the 2010/2011 data; (2) standardize the five data sets using a consistent classification scheme and develop a cross-walk table to reclassify each into the following categories: Forested, Water, Wetlands, Agriculture, Developed/Residential/Small Commercial/Industrial, Developed/Large Commercial/Industrial, and Other; and (3) evaluate the progression of land cover classification changes through the time period to ensure the logical integrity of any changes. Edits will be made to features exhibiting illogical land cover change progressions (e.g. crops changing to developed, then changing back to crops).