


Rural Addressing Project
Lead Agency: GRANIT
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Project Partner(s): Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Start Date - End Date 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013
Description: The Rural Addresing component of the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping Program is an innovative strategy that leverages relationships between UNH, Regional Planning Commissions, local/state agencies and community volunteers to develop the first public master address file for the state. The effort will produce a database of approximately 10,000 points, representing the locations of households in the state's rural census blocks (e.g. census blocks greater than 2 square miles). The data will ultimately be used to help refine the state's broadband coverage availability maps. The Rural Addressing effort is being coordinated by the Nashua Regional Planning Commission, in conjunction with GRANIT staff.