


Risk MAP FY11
Lead Agency: UNH Earth Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Project Partner(s): NH Office of Energy and Planning
Sponsor(s): Federal Emergency Management Agency
Start Date - End Date 11/17/2011 - 09/20/2012
URL(s): http://www.granit.unh.edu/dfirms
GRANIT is hosting all effective DFIRMs and FIS reports for access via the web as one of the RiskMAP support activities.
Description: GRANIT staff at Earth Systems Research Center are assisting the NH Office of Energy and Planning in implementing FEMA's Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment and Planning) Program in New Hampshire, as outlined in the state's business plan submitted to and approved by FEMA. To support this objective, GRANIT staff are involved in a range of activities including maintenance of a digital base map inventory, assessment of community mapping needs, maintenance of DFIRM web pages, and participation in outreach activities. In addition to these core activities, GRANIT staff are focusing on the compilation of historical data (extent of flood damage, high water marks, etc.) from prior major flooding events and the development of new flood data viewing tools.