


Maintenance and Enhancement of GRANIT Web Site, Phase II
Lead Agency: UNH Complex Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Jennifer Lingeman
Sponsor(s): New Hampshire GIS Conservation Collaborative
Start Date - End Date 03/01/2006 - 02/28/2008
URL(s): GRANIT Web Site
Sub Project(s): GRANIT Municipal GIS Survey 2006/2007
Related Project(s): Maintenance and Enhancement of GRANIT Web Site, Phase III
Description: The project objective is to maintain and enhance the functionality of the GRANIT web site so that it serves relevant geospatial data, web services, and related resources to a broad user constituency in the state of New Hampshire and the region. To achieve this objective, the web site is being re-designed to accommodate additional features (database-driven calendar, contacts, project
listings, etc.), enhanced content (resource library), and easier navigation.