


Coastal Floodplain Mapping Project
Lead Agency: GRANIT
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Project Partner(s): AECOM, NH Office of Energy and Planning, USGS
Sponsor(s): Federal Emergency Management Agency
Start Date - End Date 09/21/2010 - 02/28/2014
Description: In an ongoing effort to provide more accurate flood maps in New Hampshire, new floodplain data and maps will be created for a number of flooding sources within the Piscataqua / Salmon Falls watershed basin. The study area covers 239 miles and includes 17 communities within the eastern portions of Rockingham and Strafford Counties. The new floodplain data will be based on high resolution LiDAR topographic data collected in the spring of 2011, which will yield more accurate products than prior efforts have been able to achieve. In addition, the maps will use current (2010) 1-ft resolution imagery as the basemap on which the floodplain boundaries will be delineated and displayed. This FEMA-funded project is a collaborative effort between NH GRANIT, AECOM, USGS, and NH OEP.