


NH Broadband Mapping & Planning Program
Lead Agency: GRANIT
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Start Date - End Date 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2014
Description: The New Hampshire Broadband Mapping & Planning Program (NHBMPP) is a coordinated, multi-agency initiative to inventory and map current and planned broadband coverage available to the state's businesses, educators, and citizens. The program, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), is part of a national effort to expand broadband access and adoption through improved data collection and broadband planning. It is being managed by the University of New Hampshire's GRANIT (Geographically Referenced Analysis and Information Transfer) System, which is housed at the Earth Systems Research Center and serves as the NH statewide GIS clearinghouse. New Hampshire's nine Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) are collaborating with GRANIT on data collection and verification activities. The Commissions, along with other project partners including UNH Cooperative Extension, Granite State Distance Learning Network, NH Department of Resources and Economic Development, and NH Office of Energy and Planning, are also conducting a suite of planning and technical assistance activities.