


CTAP Regional Open Space Data Archive
Lead Agency: GRANIT
Primary Contact: Fay Rubin
Sponsor(s): Southern NH Planning Commission
Start Date - End Date 11/2008 - 01/31/2009
URL(s): I-93 Community Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) web site
Site provides access to information related to the multi-year CTAP program, including committee listings, meeting schedules/minutes, descriptions of funded projects, and future funding opportunities.
Description: The GRANIT staff at Complex Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire, will be producing a regional data archive comprising a suite of data sets suitable for use in community natural resource inventories. The archive will cover the 26 towns in the I93 Community Technical Assistance Program (CTAP). Data sets housed in the archive will be standardized and documented, and will thus support and facilitate subsequent efforts to develop local natural resource inventories/open space plans that are regionally coherent.
The regional archive will include current versions of all layers referenced in the "Natural Resources: An Inventory Guide for NH Communities (2001); Table 1 Revised October 2007" that are presently available in digital form from the GRANIT database and/or other state sources, or may be derived from such. It may also include other data sets relevant to local planning, as identified by GRANIT in consultation with the project sponsor.