


NH CommunityViz Technical Resource Center - Phase II
Lead Agency: UNH Complex Systems Research Center
Primary Contact: Jennifer Lingeman
Project Partner(s): UNH Cooperative Extension
Sponsor(s): New Hampshire GIS Conservation Collaborative
Start Date - End Date 02/01/2008 - 01/31/2009
URL(s): NH CommunityViz Technical Resource Center
Related Project(s): NH CommunityViz Technical Resource Center
Description: CommunityViz is a software product that adds a scenario planning/decision-making framework and dynamic visualization capability to ArcGIS. Complex Systems Research Center continues to host a CommunityViz Technical Resource Center, providing technical support and web pages to CommunityViz users around the state. Additionally, Complex Systems is working with UNH Cooperative Extension to offer CommunityViz workshops to anyone who has experience with ArcGIS.