Talked with Curt, who had spoken with Joe at Northern Forest Center. GRANIT work: 1. Helping Carsey get up and running 2. Mapping - not so interested in "glitzy" maps. More interested in retaining us to assist with GIS and maps related to analysis for the strategic plan they're doing. Question is how to quantify this. May want some basic features on the county map, e.g. transportation infrastructure. Joe grouped this all into one task: County boundaries Major transportation Major waterways Selected towns/cities Second task: Less defined, but to produce sets of maps and assist in the analysis of selected data layers from information that Carsey will be generating, which is social/economic/demographic variables. Likely towards the end of 2007. How many layers/maps they would be purchasing for the amount listed in the proposal. I guessed at 40-50 additional maps for 2nd task, more if no analysis is required. North Country Council is Fiscal Agent Should they have one award to Carsey, or one to each of us?