
This extension requires the use of a GIS-based route layer, with or without measures.  For HPMS analysis, a GIS layer representing HPMS samples is also required.  If no HPMS data is to be used, the route layer can be used as the specified HPMS layer.


Summary of Requirements


You will need these layers in ArcMap:

  1. A route layer, with or without measures.

  2. An HPMS layer, if deriving curve information for HPMS samples.


The route layer's coordinate system can be based in:

  • Meters

  • Feet

  • Kilometers

  • Miles

  • Centimeters

  • Millimeters

  • Yards

  • Inches


If the route layer has measures, they are assumed to be based in miles.  Milepoint and curve length information will be derived if the route layer has measures.


The route layer must be projected and cannot be in latitude/longitude.  The layer’s coordinate system units can be based in meters, feet, kilometers, miles, centimeters, millimeters, yards, or inches.