Form Description - Settings

The following items on the form are established by the user:





Route Layer

The GIS route layer to be used for deriving curve information.

Route Item

A unique identifier for route features.

HPMS Layer

For HPMS analysis, the GIS layer representing HPMS samples.  If there is no HPMS layer, set this to be the same as the Route Layer.


A unique identifier for HPMS features.  If there is no HPMS layer, set this to be the same as the Route Item.

HPMS Begin Post Item

The item that represents the begin post in the HPMS layer.  If there is no HPMS layer, set this to be the begin post item in the Route Layer.

HPMS End Post Item

The item that represents the end post in the HPMS layer.  If there is no HPMS layer, set this to be the end post item in the Route Layer.

Excel Spreadsheet

The full path, including file name, of the Excel spreadsheet that will store data saved from the form.  A spreadsheet ("curvature_data.xls") is included in the extension download.

Path to Spreadsheet

Optional.  Press this button to navigate to and set the location of the Excel spreadsheet to be used.  This will populate the path portion of the Excel Spreadsheet item—you will still need to include the file name ("curvature_data.xls") as well.

Open Spreadsheet

Press this button at any time to open the Excel spreadsheet.  But, be sure to close the spreadsheet before saving to it, or it will be opened twice and you may get an error message.

Save Data to Row

Type in the row number in the spreadsheet to contain the next line of curve data.  This number automatically increases by 1 every time data is saved to the spreadsheet.  This number cannot be "1" because this row is reserved for column headings.

Route Selection Distance

The distance in map units around the clicked point (for start or end point of the curve) used to select the route.  Think of the selection distance as a buffer around your mouse cursor that is used to select routes.  A smaller number makes it easier to select a route that may in close proximity to another route.  Depending on your map scale, if this number is too small, you may not be able to select a route, in which case you would need to increase the selection distance.