Basic Data Requirements

In many cases, CommunityViz projects begin with a build-out analysis. There are a number of GIS data layers that are required to conduct a build-out analysis. All data layers should be current and clean/free of errors. These layers are:

  1. Tax parcel polygons with zoning information attached. The tax parcel layer should contain an attribute describing the zoning district for each polygon.
  2. Building point locations with descriptive information. For optimal build-out results, the building point layer should contain attributes describing for each building the number of dwelling units (for residential zones) or floor area (for non-residential zones), zoning (mixed use, etc), and number of stories.
  3. Road centerline data. Road centerlines are essential for applying setbacks and spatial distribution build-out buildings.
  4. Development constraints. Required development constraint layers will vary by community, but may include wetlands, floodplains, surface water, steep slopes, conserved lands, etc ...
  5. Zoning ordinance document. The zoning ordinance document provides build-out inputs including density rules and setback requirements.

Finally, there should be a close working relationship between the GIS Analyst (contributing technical expertise for operating CommunityViz software) and the Planner (contributing planning expertise for build-out inputs/interpretation of results).

For more information regarding data requirements and preparation, please download the Data Preparation Guidelines for Build-Out Analysis Using CommunityViz Scenario 360 document.