1987-1993 TRI GIS Coverage File Variable Names 7/20/95 There are up to forty-seven files per state for a complete set of 1987-1993 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data point coverage and related files. The file names are of the format XX.YYY, where XX is the state postal abbreviation, and YYY indicates the type of data contained in the file (e.g. environmental medium of release). The coverage (.PAT) files were constructed using "preferred" geographic location coordinate values. The .FAC file contains these data, plus a number of alternative geographic coordinate reviewed in determining the preferred set, including the ones provided by the submitter. Any comments on or corrections of these preferred coordinates are most welcome. The files are designed to be used in a relational data base management system environment, and contain a number of one-to-many relationships. For example, one facility may have multiple reporting forms (one for each qualifying chemical), and one chemical reporting form has multiple media files. Reconstructing the entire set of data in a single form requires joining records from multiple files. The relation key fields may be either TRI facility identification code, or document control number (for a specific TRI Form R submission). The media-specific files include other identifiers to aid searching, such as EPA facility identifiers, chemical identifiers, and SIC codes. For specific file formats, please refer to the following pages. STATE_ABBREVIATION .PAT Coverage Attributes .FAC Facility Information .ALT Alternate Coordinate File .A87 Air/underground injection 87 .A88 Air/underground injection 88 .A89 Air/underground injection 89 .A90 Air/underground injection 90 .A91 Air/underground injection 91 .A92 Air/underground injection 92 .A93 Air/underground injection 93 .L87 ... 93 Land 87 - 93 .C87 ... 93 Contact 87 -93 .W87 ... 93 Water 87 - 93 .T87 ... 93 Transfers 87 -93 .U87 ... 93 Activity Use Codes 87 - 93 .P87 ... 93 Pollution Prevention 87 - 93 .S87 ... 93 Source Reduction 87 - 93 .R87 ... 93 Waste Stream Treatment 87 - 93 .DOC General Coverage Description Metadata .NAR Coverage Narrative Metadata (Abstract) .REF Coverage Reference Metadata (Bibliography) .ATT Coverage Attribute Metadata B.2 PAT File Format AREA F4.3 ARC/INFO internal field; zero for point coverages PERIMETER F4.3 ARC/INFO internal field; zero for point coverages COV# B4 ARC/INFO internal field; NOT to be user modified COV-ID B4 ARC/INFO internal field; can be user modified TRI C15 TRI facility ID (one-to-one relate to TRI in .FAC INFO file) B.3 Facility File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID (one-to-one relate to TRI in .PAT INFO file) NAME C50 facility name ADDRESS C60 facility address CITY C25 facility city CNTY C25 facility county ST C2 facility state postal abbreviation ZIP C5 facility 5 digit ZIP code ZIP-PLUS4 C4 facility plus-4 ZIP code extension MAIL_ZIP C9 facility mail address ZIP code STCOFIPS C5 facility state and county FIPS codes REGION C2 facility EPA region HIST_REC C1 flag for facility data stored in TRIS history file FAC_CLOSED C1 facility status (e.g. closed) indicator FED_FAC C1 federal facility flag (Y/N) SUMBIT_LAT N9.6 facility latitude (in decimal degrees) SUBMIT_LON N10.6 facility longitude (in decimal degrees) SUBMIT_MET C4 facility coordinate collection method code SUBMIT_QA C4 facility coordinate quality assurance code ASSIGN_LAT N9.6 ZIP code centroid latitude assigned at time of first data entry (in decimal degrees) ASSIGN_LON N10.6 ZIP code centroid longitude assigned at time of first data entry (in decimal degrees) ASSIGN_MET C4 ZIP code centroid coordinate collection method code PREFER_LAT N9.6 preferred latitude (latitude used for TRI point coverage creation) (in decimal degrees) PREFER_LON N10.6 preferred longitude (longitude used for TRI point coverage creation (in decimal degrees) PREFER_MET C4 preferred coordinate collection method code PREFER_QA C4 preferred coordinate quality assurance code PREFER_C C2 preferred coordinate source metadata PREFER_AC N8.2 preferred coordinate accuracy (MAD) PREFER_ACU C1 preferred coordinate accuracy units (MAD) PREFER_AT C30 preferred coordinate accuracy description field (MAD) PREFER_CM C2 preferred MAD coordinate collection method code (MAD) PREFER_DC C2 preferred coordinate description category (MAD) PREFER_HD C1 preferred coordinate horizontal datum (MAD) PREFER_SMS C1 preferred coordinate source map scale (MAD) PREFER_SRC C8 preferred coordinate source (MAD) PREFER_CD C8 preferred coordinate collection date (MAD) PREFER_VER C1 preferred coordinate verification code (MAD) S_DMS_LAT C7 submitted facility latitude (in degrees, minutes, seconds) S_DMS_LON C7 submitted facility longitude (in degrees, minutes, seconds) LAT_LON_FL C1 facility latitude or longitude modification indicator TRIS_X_DT C8 date of the TRIPQUIC data retrieval from the TRIS data base REP_IN_87 C1 facility reported in 1987 indicator REP_IN_88 C1 facility reported in 1988 indicator REP_IN_89 C1 facility reported in 1989 indicator REP_IN_90 C1 facility reported in 1990 indicator REP_IN_91 C1 facility reported in 1991 indicator REP_IN_92 C1 facility reported in 1992 indicator REP_IN_93 C1 facility reported in 1993 indicator REP_IN_94 C1 facility reported in 1994 indicator REP_IN_95 C1 facility reported in 1995 indicator REP_IN_96 C1 facility reported in 1996 indicator REP_IN_97 C1 facility reported in 1997 indicator REP_IN_98 C1 facility reported in 1998 indicator REP_IN_99 C1 facility reported in 1999 indicator PAR_DUNS C9 parent company DUNS number ASSGN_DUNS C9 primary assigned facility DUNS number U_DUNS C9 ultimate parent DUNS number assigned by TRIPQUIC PAR_NAME C45 parent company name from reported PARB_NAME C45 parent company name assigned by TRIPQUIC CITYB C25 parent company city assigned by TRIPQUIC STB C2 parent company state postal abbreviation assigned by TRIPQUIC CEOB C30 parent company CEO assigned by TRIPQUIC SGL_REGPAR C1 single region parent company indicator ITP_PAR C1 parent company participates in 33/50 program indicator ITP_FAC C1 facility emits 33/50 chemicals indicator GDT_LAT N9.6 Geographic Data Technology ZIP code centroid latitude (in decimal degrees) GDT_LON N10.6 Geographic Data Technology ZIP code centroid longitude (in decimal degrees) GDT_MET C4 Geographic Data Technology ZIP code centroid coordinate collection method code ZIPWH_LAT N9.6 ZIPWHERE ZIP code centroid latitude (in decimal degrees) ZIPWH_LON N10.6 ZIPWHERE ZIP code centroid longitude (in decimal degrees) ZIPWH_MET C4 ZIPWHERE ZIP code centroid coordinate collection method REACH_NUM C11 EPA River Reach Number (future) CONG_DIST C2 103rd Congressional District (future) CEN_BLOCK C15 1990 Census Block Number (future) B.4 Alternate Coordinate File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID (one_to_one relate to TRI in FAC and .PAT file) ALT1_LAT N9.6 primary alternate coordinate latitude (in decimal degrees) ALT1_LON N10.6 primary alternate coordinate longitude (in decimal degrees) ALT1_MET C4 primary alternate coordinate collection method code ALT1_QA C4 primary alternate coordinate quality assurance code ALT1_AC N8.2 primary alternate coordinate accuracy (MAD) ALT1_ACU C1 primary alternate coordinate accuracy units (MAD) ALT1_AT C30 primary alternate coordinate accuracy description (future) (MAD) ALT1_CM C2 primary alternate MAD coordinate collection method code (MAD) ALT1_DC C2 primary alternate coordinate description category (MAD) ALT1_HD C1 primary alternate coordinate horizontal datum (MAD) ALT1_SMS C1 primary alternate coordinate source map scale (MAD) ALT1_SRC C8 primary alternate coordinate source (MAD) ALT1_CD C8 primary alternate coordinate collection date (MAD) ALT2_LAT N9.6 secondary alternate coordinate latitude (in decimal degrees) ALT2_LON N10.6 secondary alternate coordinate longitude (in decimal degrees) ALT2_MET C4 secondary alternate coordinate collection method code ALT2_AC N8.2 secondary alternate coordinate accuracy (MAD) ALT2_ACU C1 secondary alternate coordinate accuracy units (MAD) ALT2_AT C30 secondary alternate coordinate accuracy description (future) (MAD) ALT2_CM C2 secondary alternate MAD coordinate collection method code (MAD) ALT2_DC C2 secondary alternate coordinate description category (MAD) ALT2_HD C1 secondary alternate coordinate horizontal datum (MAD) ALT2_SMS C1 secondary alternate coordinate source map scale (MAD) ALT2_SRC C8 secondary alternate coordinate source (MAD) ALT2_CD C8 secondary alternate coordinate collection date (MAD) ALT3_LAT N9.6 tertiary alternate coordinate latitude (in decimal degrees) ALT3_LON N10.6 tertiary alternate coordinate longitude (in decimal degrees) ALT3_MET C4 tertiary alternate coordinate collection method code ALT3_AC N8.2 tertiary alternate coordinate accuracy (MAD) ALT3_ACU C1 tertiary alternate coordinate accuracy units (MAD) ALT3_AT C30 tertiary alternate coordinate accuracy description (future) (MAD) ALT3_CM C2 tertiary alternate MAD coordinate collection method code (MAD) ALT3_DC C2 tertiary alternate coordinate description category (MAD) ALT3_HD C1 tertiary alternate coordinate horizontal datum (MAD) ALT3_SMS C1 tertiary alternate coordinate source map scale (MAD) ALT3_SRC C8 tertiary alternate coordinate source (MAD) ALT3_CD C8 tertiary alternate coordinate collection date (MAD) B.5 Air/Underground Injection File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID FUGIT_AIR I10 fugitive air releases,estimate (lbs/year) STACK_AIR I10 stack air releases, estimate (lbs/year) TOTAL_AIR I10 total air releases, estimate (lbs/year) UNDGND I10 underground injection releases, estimate (lbs/year) UIC_ID1 C12 ID number of facility which inject a chemical containing waste into Class I Deep Wells under Safe Drinking Water Act UIC_ID2 C12 ID number of facility which inject a chemical containing waste into Class I Deep Wells under Safe Drinking Water Act SA_BAS_NA C1 stack air release estimate NA SA_R_E_BAS C2 stack air release estimate basis code FA_BAS_NA C1 fugitive air release estimate NA FA_R_E_BAS C2 fugitive air release estimate basis code UN_BAS_NA C1 underground release estimate NA UN_R_E_BAS C2 underground release estimate basis code CHEMICAL C50 chemical name SIC1 C4 primary SIC code SIC2 C4 secondary SIC code SIC3 C4 tertiary SIC code SIC4 C4 fourth SIC code NPDES1 C9 primary NPDES code NPDES2 C9 secondary NPDES code EPA_ID1 C12 primary EPA ID EPA_ID2 C12 secondary EPA ID FINDS_ID C12 EPA ID from the FINDS data base YEAR I4 reporting year CHEM_UPD C7 date the chemical was last updated in TRIS FAC_UPD C7 date the facility record was last updated in TRIS FORM_R C2 version of the form-R used SUB_TSIND C1 submission trade secret indicator CHEM_TSIND C1 chemical trade secret indicator REP_FEF C1 reporting for entire facility flag SUB_STATUS C1 DCN status; F(ull), C(hanged), E(rroneous), or V(alidated) MAX_AMT_CD C2 maximum amount code EPA_DCI C1 EPA directed change indicator PPA_STATUS C1 Pollution Prevention Activity Status B.6 Land File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID LAND I10 land releases, estimate (lbs/year) LAND_CODE C3 land disposal code LA_BAS_NA C1 release estimate NA LA_R_E_BAS C2 release estimate basis code CHEMICAL C50 chemical name SIC1 C4 primary SIC code SIC2 C4 secondary SIC code SIC3 C4 tertiary SIC code SIC4 C4 fourth SIC code NPDES1 C9 primary NPDES code NPDES2 C9 secondary NPDES code EPA_ID1 C12 primary EPA ID EPA_ID2 C12 secondary EPA ID FINDS_ID C12 EPA ID from the FINDS data base YEAR I4 reporting year CHEM_UPD C7 date the chemical was last updated in TRIS FAC_UPD C7 date the facility record was last updated in TRIS FORM_R C2 version of the form-R used SUB_TSIND C1 submission trade secret indicator CHEM_TSIND C1 chemical trade secret indicator REP_FEF C1 reporting for entire facility flag SUB_STATUS C1 DCN status; F(ull), C(hanged), E(rroneous), or V(alidated) MAX_AMT_CD C2 maximum amount code EPA_DCI C1 EPA directed change indicator PPA_STATUS C1 Pollution Prevention Activity Status B.7 Contact File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID TECH_NAME C39 technical contact name TECH_PHONE C10 technical contact phone number PUB_NAME C39 public contact name PUB_PHONE C10 public contact phone number CHEMICAL C50 chemical name B.8 Water File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID WATER I10 water releases, estimate (lbs/year) STR_NAME C70 stream name STR_CODE C1 stream code S_W_PCT F8.2 storm water percentage (NOTE: moved from transfers file) WA_BAS_NA C1 release estimate NA WA_R_E_BAS C2 release estimate basis code CHEMICAL C50 chemical name SIC1 C4 primary SIC code SIC2 C4 secondary SIC code SIC3 C4 tertiary SIC code SIC4 C4 fourth SIC code NPDES1 C9 primary NPDES code NPDES2 C9 secondary NPDES code EPA_ID1 C12 primary EPA ID EPA_ID2 C12 secondary EPA ID FINDS_ID C12 EPA ID from the FINDS data base YEAR I4 reporting year CHEM_UPD C7 date the chemical was last updated in TRIS FAC_UPD C7 date the facility record was last updated in TRIS FORM_R C2 version of the form-R used SUB_TSIND C1 submission trade secret indicator CHEM_TSIND C1 chemical trade secret indicator REP_FEF C1 reporting for entire facility flag SUB_STATUS C1 DCN status; F(ull), C(hanged), E(rroneous), or V(alidated) MAX_AMT_CD C2 maximum amount code EPA_DCI C1 EPA directed change indicator PPA_STATUS C1 Pollution Prevention Activity Status B.9 Transfers File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID POTW I10 transfers to Publicly Owned Treatment and Waste facility, estimate (lbs/year) TREATMENT I10 transfers to treatment facility, estimate (lbs/year) DISPOSAL I10 transfers to disposal facility, estimate (lbs/year) ENERGY_REC I10 transfers to energy recovery facility, estimate (lbs/year) RECYCL_REC I10 transfers to recycling recovery facility, estimate (lbs/year) OTHER I10 transfers to other facility, estimate (lbs/year) TRNSF_TRI C15 transfer to facility TRI ID TRNSF_NAME C50 transfer to facility name TRNSF_ADDR C60 transfer to facility address TRNSF_CITY C25 transfer to facility city TRNSF_CNTY C25 transfer to facility county name TRNSF_FIPS C5 transfer to facility state and county FIPS code TRNSF_ST C2 transfer to facility state postal abbreviation TRNSF_ZIP C9 transfer to facility 5 digit ZIP code TRNSF_CTRY C3 transfer to facility country TRNSF_LAT N10.5 transfer to facility latitude (decimal degrees) (future) TRNSF_LON N11.5 transfer to facility longitude (decimal degrees) (future) T_DMS_LAT N13.4 transfer to facility latitude (ddmmss.ssss) (future) T_DMS_LON N13.4 transfer to facility longitude (dddmmss.ssss) (future) TRNSF_MET C4 transfer to facility coordinates method code (future) TRNSF_AC N8.2 transfer to facility coordinate accuracy (future) TRNSF_ACU C1 transfer to facility coordinate accuracy units (future) TRNSF_ADC C2 transfer to facility coordinate accuracy description field (future) TRNSF_AT C25 transfer to facility coordinate accuracy description field (future) TRNSF_CODE C2 transfer to facility code TRNSF_EPA C12 transfer to facility EPA ID CTR_BY_FAC C2 controlled by facility indicator PO_BAS_NA C1 release estimate NA PO_R_E_BAS C2 release estimate basis code CHEMICAL C50 chemical name SIC1 C4 primary SIC code SIC2 C4 secondary SIC code SIC3 C4 tertiary SIC code SIC4 C4 fourth SIC code NPDES1 C9 primary NPDES code NPDES2 C9 secondary NPDES code EPA_ID1 C12 primary EPA ID EPA_ID2 C12 secondary EPA ID FINDS_ID C12 EPA ID from the FINDS data base YEAR I4 reporting year CHEM_UPD C7 date the chemical was last updated in TRIS FAC_UPD C7 date the facility record was last updated in TRIS FORM_R C2 version of the form-R used SUB_TSIND C1 submission trade secret indicator CHEM_TSIND C1 chemical trade secret indicator REP_FEF C1 reporting for entire facility flag SUB_STATUS C1 DCN status; F(ull), C(hanged), E(rroneous), or V(alidated) MAX_AMT_CD C2 maximum amount code EPA_DCI C1 EPA directed change indicator PPA_STATUS C1 Pollution Prevention Activity Status TRNS_NPDES C9 transfer to facility NPDES number (future) TRNS_REACH C11 transfer to facility REACH number (future) B.10 Activity Use File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number USE_CODE C2 Activity Use Code B.11 Pollution Prevention Activity File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number PPA_STATUS C1 Pollution Prevention Activity Status UPDATE_DT C9 Update Date RECEIPT_DT C9 Receipt Date RECL_ON_C I13 Recycled onsite current year quantity RECL_ON_CZ C1 Recycled onsite current year quantity Zero or NA RECL_ON_P I13 Recycled onsite previous year quantity RECL_ON_PZ C1 Recycled onsite previous year quantity Zero or NA RECL_ON_F I13 Recycled onsite following year quantity RECL_ON_FZ C1 Recycled onsite following year quantity Zero or NA RECL_ON_S I13 Recycled onsite second year quantity RECL_ON_SZ C1 Recycled onsite second year quantity Zero or NA RECL_OF_C I13 Recycled offsite current year quantity RECL_OF_CZ C1 Recycled offsite current year quantity Zero or NA RECL_OF_P I13 Recycled offsite previous year quantity RECL_OF_PZ C1 Recycled offsite previous year quantity Zero or NA RECL_OF_F I13 Recycled offsite following year quantity RECL_OF_FZ C1 Recycled offsite following year quantity Zero or NA RECL_OF_S I13 Recycled offsite second year quantity RECL_OF_SZ C1 Recycled offsite second year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_ON_C I13 Energy recovery onsite current year quantity NRGY_ON_CZ C1 Energy recovery onsite current year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_ON_P I13 Energy recovery onsite previous year quantity NRGY_ON_PZ C1 Energy recovery onsite previous year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_ON_F I13 Energy recovery onsite following year quantity NRGY_ON_FZ C1 Energy recovery onsite following year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_ON_S I13 Energy recovery onsite second year quantity NRGY_ON_SZ C1 Energy recovery onsite second year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_OF_C I13 Energy recovery offsite current year quantity NRGY_OF_CZ C1 Energy recovery offsite current year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_OF_P I13 Energy recovery offsite previous year quantity NRGY_OF_PZ C1 Energy recovery offsite previous year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_OF_F I13 Energy recovery offsite following year quantity NRGY_OF_FZ C1 Energy recovery offsite following year quantity Zero or NA NRGY_OF_S I13 Energy recovery offsite second year quantity NRGY_OF_SZ C1 Energy recovery offsite second year quantity Zero or NA TRET_ON_C I13 Treated onsite current year quantity TRET_ON_CZ C1 Treated onsite current year quantity Zero or NA TRET_ON_P I13 Treated onsite previous year quantity TRET_ON_PZ C1 Treated onsite previous year quantity Zero or NA TRET_ON_F I13 Treated onsite following year quantity TRET_ON_FZ C1 Treated onsite following year quantity Zero or NA TRET_ON_S I13 Treated onsite second year quantity TRET_ON_SZ C1 Treated onsite second year quantity Zero or NA TRET_OF_C I13 Treated offsite current year quantity TRET_OF_CZ C1 Treated offsite current year quantity Zero or NA TRET_OF_P I13 Treated offsite previous year quantity TRET_OF_PZ C1 Treated offsite previous year quantity Zero or NA TRET_OF_F I13 Treated offsite following year quantity TRET_OF_FZ C1 Treated offsite following year quantity Zero or NA TRET_OF_S I13 Treated offsite second year quantity TRET_OF_SZ C1 Treated offsite second year quantity Zero or NA RELESED_C I13 Released current year quantity RELESED_CZ C1 Released current year quantity Zero or NA RELESED_P I13 Released previous year quantity RELESED_PZ C1 Released previous year quantity Zero or NA RELESED_F I13 Released following year quantity RELESED_FZ C1 Released following year quantity Zero or NA RELESED_S I13 Released second year quantity RELESED_SZ C1 Released second year quantity Zero or NA REMED_REL I13 Quantity of remedial release REMED_RELZ C1 Remedial release Zero or NA RECL_ACTIN N7.2 production ratio or activity index RECL_ACTFL C1 production ratio or activity index Zero or NA ADD_PPA C1 Additional PPA data indicator MULT_SUB_1 C15 Multi-submission DCN MULT_SUB_2 C15 Multi-submission DCN MULT_SUB_3 C15 Multi-submission DCN MULT_SUB_4 C15 Multi-submission DCN MULT_SUB_5 C15 Multi-submission DCN NRGY_ONPC1 C3 Energy recovery on site process code 1 NRGY_ONPC2 C3 Energy recovery on site process code 2 NRGY_ONPC3 C3 Energy recovery on site process code 3 NRGY_ONPC4 C3 Energy recovery on site process code 4 RECL_ONCD1 C3 Recycled on site process code 1 RECL_ONCD2 C3 Recycled on site process code 2 RECL_ONCD3 C3 Recycled on site process code 3 RECL_ONCD4 C3 Recycled on site process code 4 RECL_ONCD5 C3 Recycled on site process code 5 RECL_ONCD6 C3 Recycled on site process code 6 RECL_ONCD7 C3 Recycled on site process code 7 RECL_ONCD8 C3 Recycled on site process code 8 RECL_ONCD9 C3 Recycled on site process code 9 RECL_ONCD0 C3 Recycled on site process code 10 B.12 Source Reduction File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number CHEM_ID C9 TRI chemical ID SRC_RED_AC C3 source reduction activity code METH_ID_A C3 methods to identify activity code METH_ID_B C3 methods to identify activity code METH_ID_C C3 methods to identify activity code SEQ_NUM I3 source reduction activity sequence number B.13 Waste Stream Treatment File Format TRI C15 TRI facility ID DCN C15 document control number WST_STR_CD C2 general waste stream code INFL_CONC C2 range of influent concentration DUMMY C2 reserved for later use TRETEF_EST N6.2 waste treatment efficiency estimate TRETEF_NA C1 waste treatment efficiency estimate NA OP_DATA_IN C2 based on operating data? (Y/N) SEQ_NUM I3 treatment record sequence number TRET_MET_1 C3 waste treatment method sequence #1 TRET_MET_2 C3 waste treatment method sequence #2 TRET_MET_3 C3 waste treatment method sequence #3 TRET_MET_4 C3 waste treatment method sequence #4 TRET_MET_5 C3 waste treatment method sequence #5 TRET_MET_6 C3 waste treatment method sequence #6 TRET_MET_7 C3 waste treatment method sequence #7 TRET_MET_8 C3 waste treatment method sequence #8 TRET_MET_9 C3 waste treatment method sequence #9 TRET_MET_10 C3 waste treatment method sequence #10 TRET_MET_11 C3 waste treatment method sequence #11 TRET_MET_12 C3 waste treatment method sequence #12 TRET_MET_13 C3 waste treatment method sequence #13 TRET_MET_14 C3 waste treatment method sequence #14 TRET_MET_15 C3 waste treatment method sequence #15 TRET_MET_16 C3 waste treatment method sequence #16 B.14 General Coverage Metadata File DOC-REV C8 Metadata revision number CREATE-DATE C13 Metadata creation date UPDATE-PERSON C30 Metatdata revisor UPDATE-DATE C13 Metadata revision date COVER C16 Coverage name WORKSPACE C128 Path to coverage EXTENT C80 Bounding coordinates PRECISION C6 Coordinate precision (single/double) TOLERANCES C40 System tolerances for editing, etc. NUM-ARCS C6 Number of arcs in coverage NUM-SEGS C7 Number of segments in coverage NUM-POLYS C6 Number of polygons in coverage NUM-POINTS C6 Number of points in coverage NUM-TICS C5 Number of tics in coverage NUM-ANNOS C5 Number of annotation features in coverage THEME C30 Theme name DESCRIPTION C80 Coverage description CONTACT-PERSON C30 Person to contact for more information CONTACT-INSTRUC C80 Instructions for reaching contact person ORGANIZATION C30 Contact organization COVER-REV C8 Coverage revision number LOCATION C80 Description of coverage location RESOLUTION C30 Coverage resolution SCALE C30 Coverage map scale ARCHIVE C80 Coverage archive location/name PUB-STATUS C80 Publication status CITATION-1 C80 First citation CITATION-2 C80 Second citation CITATION-3 C80 Third citation CITATION-4 C80 Fourth citation CITATION-5 C80 Fifth citation BEGDATE C8 Date begun BEGTIME C4 Time begun ENDDATE C8 Completion Date ENDTIME C4 Completion Time B.15 Coverage Narrative Metadata (Abstract) TXT-NARR C80 Free-form narrative B.16 Coverage Reference Metadata (Bibliography) CITATION-1 C80 First citation CITATION-2 C80 Second citation CITATION-3 C80 Third citation CITATION-4 C80 Fourth citation CITATION-5 C80 Fifth citation B.17 Coverage Attribute Metadata PATHNAME C128 Path to attribute tables TYPE C6 Type of Database Management System FILENAME C32 Attribute file name ITEMNAME C16 Field(column) name ITEMWIDTH I4 Field internal width OUTPUTWIDTH I4 Field output width ITEMTYPE C1 Field data type NUMDECIMAL I2 Number of decimal places (float only) USERNAME C8 Alternate field name SHORTDEF C80 Description of field codes DATADOMAIN C80 Domain of field values DATASOURCE C80 Source of field values ATTACCURACY C80 Accuracy of field values